

Man who received the second pig heart transplant dies, hospital says

Man who received the second pig heart transplant dies, hospital says

The second person to receive a transplanted heart from a pig has died, nearly six weeks after the highly experimental surgery, his Maryland doctors announced Tuesday.
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US surgeons perform second pig heart transplant, trying to save a dying man

First person to receive pig heart transplant dies after 2 months

First Pig Heart Transplant Patient David Bennett Dies After Two Months

Maryland man who received second pig heart transplant dies, hospital says

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First man to receive a transplanted pig heart died of heart failure, not rejection, encouraging doctors

Man who got first pig heart transplant dies two months after surgery

Man who received the second pig heart transplant dies, hospital says

Second person to receive pig heart transplant dies, Maryland hospital says - CBS News

Virginia company spearheading technology to transplant pig hearts into humans