

Peroxynitrite induced signaling pathways in plant response to non-proteinogenic amino acids

Peroxynitrite induced signaling pathways in plant response to  non-proteinogenic amino acids

The model of CAN and m-Tyr indirect mode of action in root cells. CAN

Biochemistry of Peroxynitrite and Protein Tyrosine Nitration

Frontiers Salicylic Acid and Nitric Oxide: Insight Into the Transcriptional Regulation of Their Metabolism and Regulatory Functions in Plants

Frontiers Modulation of Crustacean Innate Immune Response by Amino Acids and Their Metabolites: Inferences From Other Species

Could Alzheimer's disease be a maladaptation of an evolutionary survival pathway mediated by intracerebral fructose and uric acid metabolism? - The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Peroxynitrite formation and function in plants - ScienceDirect

The role of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide in regulation of redox homeostasis at extreme temperatures in plants - Frontiers

Frontiers Protein Tyrosine Nitration in Plant Nitric Oxide Signaling

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