

Hof1 plays a checkpoint-related role in MMS-induced DNA damage

Hof1 plays a checkpoint-related role in MMS-induced DNA damage

DNA damage-induced nuclear import of HSP90α is promoted by Aha1

DNA Damage Checkpoint - an overview

A network of Rad53 FHA domain binding proteins. In the absence of

53BP1 contributes to a robust genomic stability in human

Frontiers The DNA damage checkpoint: A tale from budding yeast

Confirmation of MMS sensitivity. Putative MMS-sensitive strains

Hof1 plays a checkpoint-related role in MMS-induced DNA damage

Confirmation of the binding specificity of the FHA binding

Phosphoproteomics reveals a distinctive Mec1/ATR signaling

The DNA damage response: putting checkpoints in perspective

DNA damage control: regulation and functions of checkpoint kinase

Checkpoint Kinases Regulate a Global Network of Transcription

Previously uncharacterized genes in the UV- and MMS-induced DNA