

Beta Zeolite-Supported Double-Metal Cyanide Catalysts with

Beta Zeolite-Supported Double-Metal Cyanide Catalysts with

Catalysts, Free Full-Text

Controllable cyanation of carbon-hydrogen bonds by zeolite

Increasing the availability of active sites in Zn-Co double metal

Aminolysis of epoxides over Fe-Zn double metal cyanide catalyst a

Full article: Cu(II) impregnated clay-derived HS zeolite

MCM-41-supported double metal cyanide nanocomposite catalyst for

MCM-41-supported double metal cyanide nanocomposite catalyst for

Hierarchical Zeolites and their Catalytic Performance in Selective

Characterization of a Double Metal Cyanide (DMC)-Type Catalyst in

PDF) Mechanistic insights on Zn(II)−Co(III) double metal cyanide

Catalysts, Free Full-Text

Sulfadiazine removal efficiency with persulfate driven by electron

Catalysts, Free Full-Text

Organonitriles as complexing agents for the double metal cyanide

MCM-41-supported double metal cyanide nanocomposite catalyst for