

Teaching 'Selfish' Wind Turbines to Share Can Boost Productivity

Teaching 'Selfish' Wind Turbines to Share Can Boost Productivity

A software update can help turbines become less disruptive to their neighbors and distribute the wind more efficiently.

How a selfish world can still avoid catastrophic climate change

Green investors will learn the art of stockpicking

Google's DeepMind is using machine learning to predict wind turbine energy production

Wind turbines turned off automatically because it's too windy

A review on Africa energy supply through renewable energy production: Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa as a case study - ScienceDirect

California pledged 100% clean energy. That was the easy part - Los Angeles Times

LearnWind WindEurope

UN warns Earth 'firmly on track toward an unlivable world' : r/worldnews

Wind power gets a federal boost but faces challenges from landowners and farmers : NPR

Biden's Energy Policy - Dumb and Dangerous

How Structural Engineers Can Boost Wind Energy

The Other Cost of Climate Change

10 ideas to promote work-life balance - Testlify

Nordic neighbours attack Norway's 'selfish' plan to curb electricity exports