

Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Medial Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Inner Vecten Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Penrose Tiles -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Mathworld - Wolfram.com LegendreDifferentialEquation PDF, PDF, Equations

Circumcircle3D Wolfram Function Repository

Strange Attractor -- from Wolfram MathWorld in 2023

Dual Tessellation -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Circumcevian Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld

code golf - Draw A Reuleaux Triangle! - Code Golf Stack Exchange

Surface Of Constant Width, curve Of Constant Width, franz Reuleaux, Curvilinear, Reuleaux triangle, Asymptote, wolfram Research, mathworld, curve, shape