



Der Standard Rollator hat eine bedienungsfreundliche Eurobremse. Die Bremse wird bei dem Gehwagen mit dem Handballen runte Tel. Beratung ✓ Aufbauservice ✓

Easily maneuver indoors and out with the Vive bariatric rollator. The heavy-duty rollator walker will provide you with stabilizing support while

Bariatric Rollator

Nova Star 8 Rolling Walker Rollator

Space Saver Rollator HD - Able Life Solutions

OasisSpace Folding Rollator Walker with Seat uses the 8 wheels is suitable for outdoor and indoor use. You can go where you want to go.

Versatile - 300LBS Capacity Rollator Walker

Easy-To-Use Mobility Aid, The BodyMed® Aluminum Rollator is a four-wheel rolling mobility aid to stay active! Designed for use during recovery or as

BodyMed® Aluminum Rollator †

The ProBasics Aluminum Transport Rollator combines the features of a rollator with a transport chair all in one unit. An individual can ambulate

Duet Transport Wheelchair Rollator Walker

, The sleek, handsomely-styled Nitro DLX rollator by Drive Medical is the ultimate in comfort and stability for your on-the-go lifestyle. The

Drive Medical Nitro DLX Rollator Walker

DMI Extra-Wide Heavy Duty Steel Bariatric Rollator Walker - 501-1032-0700

Drive Nitro Aluminum Rollator