

Trees: Our Mental, Physical, Climate Change Antidote

Trees: Our Mental, Physical, Climate Change Antidote

Trees offer some hope in the face of climate change. What's more, growing research suggests these carbon-guzzling natural wonders deliver countless health benefits, too. But, while that's a boon for people who live near or among trees, those who don’t lose out.

The Art of Forest Bathing - EcoMatcher

The Stories Our Trees Tell

In the Media Department of Population Medicine

Why 30 Minutes of Nature a Day Is So Good for Your Health - YES! Magazine Solutions Journalism

Eco-Anxiety: 5 tips to help you cope with climate anxiety — Calm Blog

Why the Language of Climate Change Matters - Inside Climate News

Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health - Yale E360

Chapter 8: Poverty, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability

The science behind green prescriptions & shinrin-yoku. How green spaces are supporting mental health.

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Stop Calling It “Climate Anxiety.” It's Climate Dread.

Beyond eco-anxiety: How climate change affects your mental health

PCPs face mounting responsibility to address health effects of climate change

The little-known physical and mental health benefits of urban trees