

Meekes Safaya Tierabwehrspray 10 cm set van 4 MHD…

Meekes  Safaya Tierabwehrspray 10 cm set van 4 MHD…

Pfefferspray Safaya: Polizei warnt vor Spray bei DHDL

DMT DiaSpray

DMT DiaSpray

Meekes Safaya Tierabwehrspray 10 cm set van 4 MHD…

Safaya Tierabwehrspray 15 ml Schwarz Cover Leder Schwarz Ring

SABRE 3-in-1 Pepper Spray, CS Tear Gas & UV Dye, Black Color

A sprayable suspension with 0.5 micron diamond, so the grit can be easily applied to any stropping material. The DiaSpray grit provides the ultimate edge result for serious sharpening enthusiasts who seek the utmost mirror finish. Each bottle contains 0.85 fluid oz./25 ml. Great for achieving the finest polished edge that results in clean, effortless cutting and shaving. Use frequently to keep edges sharp and reduce sharpening needs.

DMT DiaSpray Diamond Suspension .5 Micron

DMT DiaSpray Diamond Suspension .5 Micron - Sharpening Stones

Pfefferspray Safaya: Polizei warnt vor Spray bei DHDL