

Flipper traces reveal the presence of ancient seals on South Africa's coast

Flipper traces reveal the presence of ancient seals on South Africa's coast

The fossilised seal traces date back about 75,000 years.

Flipper traces reveal the presence of ancient seals on South Africa's coast

Seals are dying along South Africa's west coast. What's killing them remains a mystery. - The Washington Post

Escape – Mutant Skies

Blog – Land Lines Project


Full article: Pleistocene fossil snake traces on South Africa's Cape south coast

No deep diving: evidence of predation on epipelagic fish for a stem beaked whale from the Late Miocene of Peru

Seals are dying along South Africa's west coast. What's killing them remains a mystery. - The Washington Post

Rise of Mammals Article, Mammal Evolution Information, Facts -- National Geographic

01. How did Ancient Humans Preserve Food? - Earthworm Express

Tutorials, Resources, Stock and Ref-Sheets on creature-concepts - DeviantArt

Entanglement of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) at colonies in central Namibia - ScienceDirect

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Podcast Episodes — Strange Phenomenon

What is Killing South Africa's Seals?