

Dawn of the Dead

Dawn of the Dead

As hordes of zombies swarm over the U.S., the terrified populace tries everything in their power to escape the attack of the undead, but neither cities nor the countryside prove safe. In Pennsylvania, radio-station employee Stephen (David Emge) and his girlfriend, Francine (Gaylen Ross), escape in the station helicopter, accompanied by two renegade SWAT members, Roger and Pete. The group retreats to the haven of an enclosed shopping center to make what could be humanity's last stand.
As hordes of zombies swarm over the U.S., the terrified populace tries everything in their power to escape the attack of the undead, but neither cities nor the countryside prove safe. In Pennsylvania, radio-station employee Stephen (David Emge) and his girlfriend, Francine (Gaylen Ross), escape in the station helicopter, accompanied by two renegade SWAT members, Roger and Pete. The group retreats to the haven of an enclosed shopping center to make what could be humanity's last stand.

David Emge, star of 'Dawn of the Dead,' dies at 77

Review: Dawn of the Dead (1978) — CONFLUENCE OF CULT

Dawn of the Dead's alternate ending is even bleaker than the original

Dawn of the Dead (1978), List of Deaths Wiki

Dawn of the Dead - Unrated Director's Cut, Full Movie

Dawn Of The Dead (1978) [2048 × 1242] by Adam Stothard : r/MoviePosterPorn

Dawn of the Dead 1978, directed by George A Romero

72 - Dawn of the Dead (1978) - George Romero, The Walking Dead, and My Chemical Romance - The Cinedicate: Film & TV Podcast

What Did George Romero Think of Dawn of the Dead Remake?

Dawn of the Dead - Movies on Google Play

In Dead Rising, Dawn of the Dead came back to life - Doublejump