

How Loneliness from Coronavirus Isolation Takes Its Toll

How Loneliness from Coronavirus Isolation Takes Its Toll

The coronavirus pandemic could lead to a spike in anxiety and depression - Vox

Cost of distancing may outweigh benefits for healthy adults — Harvard Gazette

As Isolation Intensifies For Older Adults During The Pandemic, Researchers Test Out A Treatment For Loneliness

How Loneliness Reshapes the Brain

COVID-19 is taking a huge emotional toll on nursing home residents

Ethics Talk: Social Isolation, Loneliness, and COVID-19, Coronavirus (COVID-19), AMA Journal of Ethics

The Toll That Isolation Takes on Kids During the Coronavirus Era - WSJ

Loneliness in the Workplace is Another Symptom of COVID-19. Here's What Employers Can Do to Help - ChronWell

What Coronavirus Isolation Could Do to Your Mind (and Body)

Isolation, Loneliness, and COVID-19: Pandemic leads to sharp increase in mental health challenges, social woes - Angus Reid Institute

Is Isolation Killing America's Nursing Home Residents?

Social Isolation Impact on Cognitive Health

How to Combat Pandemic Loneliness - The New York Times

Without Texas nursing home visitations, isolation takes it toll